During our services, you can request an envelope from the Ushers where you can give by cash
Bank Transfer Details
IBAN: IE71 AIBK 9325 1544 8904 42
Made Payable to WMA-WCI Ireland
Thank you for giving to WMA – WCI. Based on the tenet of the ministry, we do encourage your online giving be made through debit card only.
By selecting “Claim Gift Aid” option I authorise WMA-WCI to reclaim tax from HM Revenue & Customs on all donations I make today, in the future or have made in the past 4 years. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all donations in that tax year, I would be personally responsible to pay any difference. I am under no obligation to make further donations and I can cancel this declaration at any time by contacting the church office – 01322 292 097 or email: financeoffice@winners-chapel.org.uk
Click HERE to complete the Gift Aid form or scan QR code below.
Your personal information is secure and not given out to any other third-party organisations or companies.
© 2025 Winners Chapel Intl. Dublin. All rights reserved.