
Ways To Give

In Church via Envelope

During our services, you can request an envelope from the Ushers where you can give by cash

Online via Bank Transfer

Bank Transfer Details

IBAN: IE71 AIBK 9325 1544 8904 42

By Cheque

Made Payable to WMA-WCI Ireland

Thank you for giving to WMA – WCI. Based on the tenet of the ministry, we do encourage your online giving be made through debit card only.

By selecting “Claim Gift Aid” option I authorise WMA-WCI to reclaim tax from HM Revenue & Customs on all donations I make today, in the future or have made in the past 4 years. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all donations in that tax year, I would be personally responsible to pay any difference. I am under no obligation to make further donations and I can cancel this declaration at any time by contacting the church office – 01322 292 097 or  email:

Click HERE to complete the Gift Aid form or scan QR code below.

Your personal information is secure and not given out to any other third-party organisations or companies.